What it does: Dogg Catcher allows you to track and download to your phone articles, videos, and podcasts from the web to your mobile phone. You can then review them on your phone at a later time.
One of the things I loved to do was go to the library and take out audio books and listen to them while driving. I found it so much better then listening to the same six songs played over and over again that are played on the radio. Of course, now I don't have the free time to go to the library. I have also looked into audible.com and I refuse $15 for an electronic file especially when I will most likely listen once and I can get most at the library for free. I agree with an article I read on cracked.com about the term Forced ARTifical Scarcity (FARTS)- most of prices we pay are determined by general opinion. Prices would have to drop to around 5 bucks before I start buying audio files even though I waste money in other strange ways.
Now I can keep up on a number of podcasts and videos and review them while traveling, whether it is driving, flying, or riding the train.
Here are a few of the podcasts I really enjoy (all free once you pay the app fee):
- SciFri: Science Friday Audio Podcast: weekly show covering diverse topics in science
- Freakonomics Radio: from the authors of the book
- TEDtalks: videos from TED.com which I have blogged about before, TED- ideas worth spreading
- Stuff You Missed in History Class
- Stuff You Should know
- Skeptoid: Critical Analysis of Pop Phenomena
- Stuff from the Future
I really feel this helps because I get so much information on science, current events and history. I recommend it to you as well.
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