Saturday, April 9, 2011

Book Review: My exercise experiment

This book was an easy read; I finished it in about 4 hours. The author tries a bunch of different exercise programs for a month of the time. I really enjoyed the section on Jillian Michaels (of biggest loser). And I laughed out loud when reading in the High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) section about her and her friends experience with something called Zooming, Hilarious. (I chuckled again just typing that.) I was particular interested because her followed (tried to) a Paleo diet (primal living)but it stopped after two weeks. It was also interesting in the first chapter to find that her experience was in line with much of the current theory on over-training. She attempted a protocol involving double cardio and gained weight while losing muscle.

Overall an easy enjoyable read and the author’s candor came through.

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